Why Green Cleaning?
Conventional Cleaning Vs. Green Cleaning
Does it really make a difference? The drive for instant cleaning solutions for busy families and businesses has increased the use of strong chemicals in cleaning products, but without due consideration being given to the long term effects of such chemicals in our daily lives.
Health Effects
Medical research shows that statistical increases in asthma, related breathing problems, skin irritation, and even cancer indicate that we are using too many strong chemicals in our homes and businesses. Ironically, a large number of these toxic chemicals are found in cleaning products that are advertised as giving us a germ-free environment.
In the last decade, the incidence of asthma in men has increased 29%, while in women, that rise is 82%-- due in part to larger fat reserves in the female body, where toxins are stored, and also to longer exposure to chemicals because women carry out more household tasks involving cleaning materials.
The Effects on Children
Children are especially at risk from absorption of harmful chemicals used in cleaning products. Small children play on and run their toys over carpets and floors cleaned with toxic products, then handle these toys and put them in their mouths. Add to this the fact that a child's respiratory rate is three times that of an adult, and you can see that use of harmful chemical products in the home is an undesirable practice.
Without a doubt, the main culprits are aerosols, which discharge cleaning products into the air. The maxim 'if you can't eat it, don't breathe it …' is certainly appropriate, and you should consider using an alternative to any product that demands use only in a ventilated space.
Source: Safer Houses UK
Dangers of Bleach
Accidental swallowing of bleach is the most frequently received call at Poison Control Centers involving children under the age of six. Young tender hands and lips can also suffer serious burns, not to mention the respiratory and eye irritation it causes adults and children alike.
If bleach can do such damage, and is so predominately a factor in the accidental poisoning of young children, why keep it around?
There are many natural, safe alternatives. -The Naturally Clean Home by Karyn Siegel-Maier
Learn more about the harmful effects of household chemicals
Effects of household Chemicals on our pets
Go Green!
Green Genies goes above and beyond industry "Green" standards to offer you truly healthy, effective cleaning methods.
Get your home or business healthy and clean without the toxic residue!
Green Genies uses their own formulas of 100% natural plant-based cleaning agents, to have the utmost control over their pureness, safety, and effectiveness.
Studies have shown that simple Plant-Based ingredients beat the effectiveness of commercial chemical cleaning products, without the harmful side effects!
Green Genies sources equipment and supplies from local small businesses, such as the Honest Weight Food Co-op.
The Green Genies team actively organizes and is part of many community based environmental conservation and activism projects!
Why use green cleaning for your home or business?
Environmentally friendly cleaning creates healthier surroundings:
Environmentally friendly cleaning products help improve indoor air quality and reduce the health problems that traditional products cause. Building occupants, visitors and janitorial staff experience fewer incidents of skin, eye and respiratory irritations or burns; allergies; multiple-chemical sensitivities; headaches; nausea or other gastrointestinal ailments; poisoning; cancer; reproductive hazards and damage to internal organs.
Healthier environments increase productivity and marketability
Healthier employees mean happier employees. Statistics show increased worker satisfaction, improved morale, reduced absenteeism, and increased productivity and efficiency.
Employees and customers appreciate knowing that Green practices and environmentally friendly cleaning products are used in the building.
Going Green helps you market your business as a socially conscious one.
Green cleaning helps the earth
Implementing a green program can reduce the negative effect your cleaning and sanitary operations have on the environment. Using environmentally friendly cleaning products in the right manner helps decrease air pollution, water pollution, ozone depletion and global climate change. Green practices also promote recycling, reduce the use of raw materials and minimize toxic products requiring disposal.